Vol. 10 No. 1 (2023): Prevention and control of kidney disease in the context of macro-social, cultural and biological factors
Prevention and control of kidney disease in the context of macro-social, cultural and biological factors


Alberto Francisco Rubio-Guerra, Carolina Guerrero García
Should we manage asymptomatic hyperuricemia to protect the kidney?
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Amaury Ariza-Garcia, Marticela Cabeza Morales, Fernando Arnedo Arteaga, Luis Gabriel Salgado Montiel, Hector Romero Rivera, Ariel Bello Espinosa, Augusto Maza Villadiego
Iron deficiency in chronic kidney disease
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Fernando Javier Perretta, Sebastián Jaurretche
Migalastat as oral monotherapy for Fabry disease
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Guidelines and Consensus

Pahola Atehortúa Baena, Juan Guillermo Cárdenas Aguilera, Richard Baquero Rodríguez, Ángela María Lombo , Alba Julietha Castro Gaona, José María Solano Suárez, Diego Alveiro Restrepo Ochoa
Colombian Consensus for the Prevention of Chronic Kidney Disease in children with Low Birth Weight
PDF (Español)