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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published nor has been subject to consideration by any other journal (or provided an explanation in this regard in the Comments to the editor).
  • A letter addressed to the Editorial Committee in which the originality is manifested: when sending the manuscript, the author must accept by signed written communication that the document is an original work and has not been published by any means, nor is it being evaluated by another printed or electronic publication.
  • Whenever is possible, the references of every submitted manuscript should include their DOI (digital object identifier). To comply with this requirement we suggest to our authors to verify their references in the Simple Text Query form of Crossref:
  • The text is single spaced, with a font size of 12 points; using italics instead of underlining (except in URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures and tables are placed in the appropriate locations of the text, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements summarized in the Author Guidelines, which appear in “About the Journal”.

Author Guidelines

Submission without formatting

The Colombian Journal of Nephrology offers the interested authors the possibility of submitting manuscripts without having to meticulously adopt their guidelines for authors. However, there are some minimum conditions that must be taken into account before submitting a manuscript: 

Title page. The manuscripts must include a title page that contains the following:

  1. Information about the authors. The authors must appear with their full bibliographic name (the one they frequently use in their publications), the institution to which they are linked, the city, the country and their institutional email.

Also, each author must provide his/her link to the ORCID and if the link has not been created, then, must register at the following link:

However, it is necessary that the authors not only create the ORCID but they should also include key information such as their work experience or current employer, their academic degrees and, if possible, their latest publications.

Finally, it must be indicated who is the corresponding author, which is the one with whom the Journal will maintain frequent contact, and this author should indicate a physical corresponding address, including the city and the country (an office or institutional address is preferred rather than a personal address).

All this information should be provided when completing the template of “Declaration of authorship” of the Journal.

  1. The manuscripts must include, of course, a title, which corresponds to the contents, an abstract of maximum 250 words, and key words (minimum 6, maximum 10).

The abstract should not be a digression or a reflection on the context or the topic of the manuscript. Instead, it must directly describe the contents of the manuscript and follow the basic structure that is indicated for each typology. For example, in the case of a research article, the abstract must describe, in items, which contents are addressed in the introduction, the methodology, the results, the discussion and the conclusions.

Body of the text. The Journal publishes original research articles, literature reviews and clinical cases. In the case of research articles, it is expected that the classical structure of introduction, methodology, results, discussion and conclusions will be followed. For the reviews, it is requested that they include an introduction and a final section of conclusions; the development of their contents and sections will depend on the purpose and the scope of the review.   In the clinical cases, an introduction, the presentation of the case, a discussion and the conclusions should be included.

Tables and figures. The tables and figures must be numbered according to their order of appearance in the manuscript and will be identified with a title. The source must also be registered, whether it is of own elaboration or of other authors. It is suggested, however, that the authors prepare their own tables and figures -- the Journal will not be responsible for the permissions to reproduce the tables or figures; it is the responsibility of the authors to verify the need for these permissions and process them. It is also preferable that the tables and figures of any manuscript do not exceed 6.

Co-authorship, conflict of interest and funding. As final sections, if the manuscript has two or more co-authors, the contribution of each should be described according to the CRediT taxonomy. Conflicts of interest, if any, must also be declared and whether the author received any type of funding.

Informed consent. If necessary, according to the contents of the manuscript, the authors must send the informed consent of the patients to the Journal at the time of submission.

Referencing system. The Journal follows the style of the National Library of Medicine (NLM Style) or Vancouver. However, authors may submit their manuscript in another style, as long as it is followed consistently throughout the text.  After the approval of the manuscript (if this happens), they must adapt the manuscript to the standards of the Journal.

Extension. Original articles and reviews must not exceed six thousand (6000) words, not including references. Regarding clinical cases, the limit is three thousand (3000) words, without including references.

Sending. Authors are invited to submit their articles through the OJS platform of the Journal at:

In the event of any inconvenience, the authors can submit their manuscript, together with the letter of commitment and originality to:


Submission forms


Hoja de vida autores

Hoja de vida (Comité editorial, Comités Nacional e Internacional) 2013

Hoja de vida (Pares evaluadores) 2013

Declaración de originalidad y cesión de derechos

Evaluación de Artículos

Indicaciones para los revisores


Management of disease risk

Artículos de divulgación no derivados de una investigación científica.

Privacy Statement

The names and e-mail addresses appearing in the journal will be used solely for the purposes explicitly therein expressed and by no means will they be supplied to third parties.