Background: Premature and low birth weight births have been described as risk factors for the development of chronic kidney disease. Mothers are susceptible to developing psychosocial disorders before the diagnosis of their children.
Purpose: To evaluate the psychological impact of kangaroo mothers in the face of the risk of chronic kidney disease in their premature or low birth weight children and to describe their experiences in this situation.
Methodology: Mixed study with quantitative cross-sectional and qualitative phenomenological components. Mothers with children who presented low birth weight or prematurity at risk of chronic kidney disease were included. The primary outcomes were the frequency of anxiety, depression, and parental stress measured with standardized instruments. Emerging categories of mother-reported experience are also described.
Results: Twenty-seven mothers were included in the analysis period, whose average age was 27.11 ± 6.93 years. 51.85% were immigrants, all belonging to the low socioeconomic stratum. For 100% of the mothers, some level of anxiety was identified. 44,44% had moderate depression, and 29.63% had minimal depression. The median score on the parental stress scale was 89 points. Within the emerging categories of the phenomenological analysis, coping, guilt, trust, faith and hope, support, social interaction, and family role, among others, were found.
Conclusions: The risk condition of chronic kidney disease in children affects the emotional and psychological state of mothers, generating stress, anxiety, and depression. The timely identification of these alterations will make it possible to provide mothers with mental health counseling and accompaniment and guidance in caring for their children.
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