Introduction: Coronavirus disease (COVID - 19) emerged in Wuhan, China at the end of 2019, this is a microorganism that, due to its genome sequencing and phylogenic analysis, belongs to the group of betacoronavirus in the same subgenus as the severe acute respiratory syndrome virus (SARS). The objective of the present study is to determine the renal affections and manifestations of patients with SARS CoV-2 infection.
Methods: A review of the literature was carried out, including studies evaluating renal conditions, manifestations and repercussions in patients older than 18 years with COVID-19 infection.
Results: A total of 24 studies were included where the different renal conditions of these patients were mentioned. At the microscopic level, there are different alterations such as loss of the brush border, vacuolar degeneration, dilation of the tubular lumen with cellular remains and sometimes frank necrosis in the proximal tubules, epithelial detachment of the tubular basement membrane and acute pyelonephritis with multiple bacterial foci. and diffuse polymorphonuclear cell (PMN) cylinders in the tubules. At the glomerulus level, nodular mensangial expansion and the presence of abundant erythrocytes obstructing the peritubular capillary lumens were observed.
Conclusions: SARS-CoV-2 is a virus that has high affinity for Angiotensin II Converting Enzyme (ACE) receptors -2), which are found in different organs of the body, including the kidneys. The binding of the virus to this receptor will lead to different microscopic alterations in the renal cells, which will generate some important disorders such as hydro-electrolyte alterations, elevation or increase in serum creatinine, being an indicator of acute kidney injury that in some cases can become chronic in these patients.
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