Characterization of subclinical chronic kidney disease in Chile
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kidney diseases; renal insufficiency, chronic kidney disease, asymptomatic diseases, early diagnosis, glomerular filtration rate, albuminuria

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Castillo AA, Castillo Montes M. Characterization of subclinical chronic kidney disease in Chile. Rev. Colomb. Nefrol. [Internet]. 2022 Sep. 2 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];9(2). Available from:


Introduction: subclinical chronic kidney disease (CKDs), performing screening in at-risk populations, is poorly characterized in Chile. Its knowledge would contribute to better management and early treatment, mitigating its consequences. Objective: to describe the epidemiological and clinical characteristics of the population with CKDs in Chile. Materials and methods: cross-sectional descriptive study in a population of 1,032 subjects from three regions of Chile; Coquimbo (n=902), Metropolitana (n=70) and De Los Ríos (n=60), from cardiovascular programs, other Primary Care programs and direct relatives of dialysis patients. Informed consent, survey, physical examination (blood pressure, weight and height) and laboratory tests (creatinine and albumin/creatinine urinary ratio) were performed. CKD was defined by KDOQI-2012 guideline and Glomerular Filtration Rate according to MDRD formula. Albuminuria by relation albumin/creatinine of first urination (mg/g). eVFG <60 ml/min and/or Albuminuria ? 30 mg/g, defined CKDs. Frequencies and comparisons were determined (chi-square, t student and ANOVA), with a significance level of p<0.05. Results: 205 subjects (19.9%) presented CKDs, being significantly more frequent in ?65 years (35.7%), who achieved elementary school studies (26.6%), domestic service workers (44%), retired workers (40%), having a family member on dialysis (24.6%) and insulin-requesting diabetics (70.6%). In the ?65 year-old group, there was a significantly lower frequency of CKDs in those who performed physical activity, compared to sedentary (48.8%). The higher the intensity of hypertension and pulse pressure (PP), the higher the frequency of CKDs. Conclusions: These data provide useful epidemiological information for the programming of better detection strategies for CKDs in Chile
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