Clinical outcomes in lupus nephritis. Report of a series of cases of the Central Military Hospital of Bogotá
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lupus nephritis

How to Cite

Camargo JA, Pulido JA, Vargas JG, Achiardi RD, Echeverri JE. Clinical outcomes in lupus nephritis. Report of a series of cases of the Central Military Hospital of Bogotá. Rev. Colomb. Nefrol. [Internet]. 2014 Jul. 1 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];1(2):98-103. Available from:


The following retrospective series of cases aims to describe the characteristics and clinical outcomes of patients at the Central Military Hospital of Bogotá with proliferative lupus nephritis. It is frequently found at the time of diagnosis proteinuria, 37% of them in nephrotic range, and alterations in uroanalysis. We describe the results of the main hematological and immunological variables. We did not find differences between the types of induction nor in the outcomes as: percentage of remission, decrease of creatinine and proteinuria reduction.
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