Horseshoe Kidney
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Anatomic Variant
Horseshoe kidney
Renal Blood flow
Renal function

How to Cite

Vasquez-Guarín C, Rojo- González F, Rios-Salazar J, Ruiz-Naranjo K, Sarmiento Rodriguez JC. Horseshoe Kidney. Rev. Colomb. Nefrol. [Internet]. 2017 Jul. 27 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];4(2):217-25. Available from:


We present the clinical case of a 39 year old male that presented with a violent death in the city of Medellin. During the necropsy, a horseshoe Kidney was found, which was never diagnosed according to the patients’ medical history. It is a case relevant in the medical field given the unusual vasculature that was found, because it’s not a usual arrangement. The lack of symptoms and its spontaneous finding during the necropsy, shows us that it’s not a rare find in our environment and that it has a big impact in the surgical fields, and in occasions, with urinary tract infections.
Methodology: Descriptive. Informed consent was given by the deceased relatives for the use and analysis of the medical history.
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