IgA nephropathy in pediatric patients, clinical outcomes with three types of management
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Glomerulonephritis, IGA; children; hematuria; proteinuria; Purpura, Schoenlein-Henoch; vasculitis.

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Forero-Delgadillo J, Torres-Canchala L, Duque N, Galvis-Blanco L, Lasso R, Aguirre J, Jimenez C, Arrunategui AM, Londoño H, Restrepo JM. IgA nephropathy in pediatric patients, clinical outcomes with three types of management: Nefropatía por inmunoglobulina A en pediatría, desenlaces clínicos con diferentes esquemas de manejo. Rev. Colomb. Nefrol. [Internet]. 2020 Nov. 5 [cited 2024 Jul. 2];8(1):e422. Available from: https://revistanefrologia.org/index.php/rcn/article/view/422


IgA nephropathy (IgAN) is the most common glomerular disease in the world, in Colombia belongs to 11-22 % of primary glomerulonephritis in pediatric patients. Of these, 30 % progress to chronic kidney disease.

Materials and methods:
It is a retrospective descriptive study. We used median and IRQ for continuous variables, and proportions for categorical variables, Fisher test to compare clinical outcomes.

Between 1996 to 2013 58 patients were diagnosed. The mean age at symptoms onset was 7.5 years (SD±4.2) and at the time of renal biopsy was 10 years (SD±3.8). At diagnosis, 77.6 % of the patients showed microscopic hematuria, 27.6 % gross hematuria and 81 % proteinuria, classified as severe in 29 %. Three patients required dialysis and two needed kidney transplant. Three groups with different therapeutic regimens were evaluated: first group only prednisone 34.5 % (n= 20), second group prednisone and mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) 22.4 % (n = 13) and third group without prednisone neither MMF 43.1 % (n =25). The difference in the presence of hematuria among the groups was significant (p> 0.001), being more frequent in the group without prednisone neither MMF (68 %). There were no significant differences in proteinuria, hypertension or creatinine among the groups. The median of years between the renal biopsy and the last control was 4 years RI 1-7. At five years, the renal function survival probability (GFR >90 ml/min/1.73m2) was 89.1 %.

IgAN needs early recognition and strict follow-up, since it may have ominous outcomes.

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