Health-related quality of life and perceived threat of disease in patients with advanced chronic kidney disease
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kidney disease
quality of life
risk factors
protective factors

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Lacomba-Trejo L, Mateu-Mollá J, Carbajo Álvarez E, Poves Gómez M, Galán Serrano A. Health-related quality of life and perceived threat of disease in patients with advanced chronic kidney disease: Calidad de vida relacionada con la salud y percepción de amenaza de la enfermedad en pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica avanzada. Rev. Colomb. Nefrol. [Internet]. 2021 Aug. 18 [cited 2024 Jul. 26];8(3):e393. Available from:


Theoretical framework:

Advanced chronic kidney disease (AKD) can have a significant impact on patients' health-related quality of life (HRQOL). However, a patient's perception of how life-threatening the disease is can have a significant impact on his or her physical and emotional health.


To assess HRQOL and the perceived threat of the disease in patients with CKD and to evaluatethe associations between the variables under study.


70 patients (80% male), between 38-88 years old (M=68.88; DT= 9.98) were evaluated by means of: the Quality of Life in Kidney Disease Shortened Version Questionnaire (KDOQL-SF36) and the Perception of Threatening Disease Questionnaire (BIPQ). Descriptive analyses, Cohen's t, d tests and Pearson's correlations were performed.


Patients showed a great affectation of their HRQOL and a negative perception of the disease. Women had worse HRQoL and disease perception indicators. A worse perception of the disease was associated with a greater impairment of HRQOL.


Patients' perception of their health may affect their therapeutic adherence, so intervention programs are needed to influence it and favour the patient's physical and mental health.
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