Knowledge management in the schools of medicine. Control strategy for noncommunicable diseases (NCDs)
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Knowledge Management. Higher education
Chronic diseases
Primary care.

How to Cite

Depine S. Knowledge management in the schools of medicine. Control strategy for noncommunicable diseases (NCDs). Rev. Colomb. Nefrol. [Internet]. 2014 Jan. 2 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];1(1):25-38. Available from:


Today the world is experiencing changes permanent, deep and fast. Technology is advancing at an unthinkable pace before, providing tools for transfer and the globalization of information of the new knowledge. However, is poor the management of that knowledge in areas of higher education. Universities are only transmitters of knowledge, focusing on explicit knowledge and ignoring the tacit knowledge to transform it.

The changes that are occurring in the process of aging of the population, the environmental impacts, the uncritical growth of large cities, the sedentary lifestyle (often associated with lack of health and insecurity), are changing the map of diseases, favoring the emergence and persistence of degenerative diseases.

These noncommunicable diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes and renal failure have been established at epidemics levels without the necessary change in teaching of medicine in line with the new requirements. In medical schools is essential generate innovative projects involving curriculum and paradigms shifts, highlighting the concepts of holistic health rather than the disease and its treatments. This project presents an integrated model for the knowledge management in the intramural and extramural areas of the University, with the aim of generate knowledge societies and strengthen the coordination of activities between teachers and students, the University and the community, with the aim of creating graduates who can meet the actual demands of the society.
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